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Accepting, Selecting and Reviewing Process

Accepting, Selecting and Reviewing Process

  1. Participants are submitting their abstracts through ISBIS 2024 registration system
    as in submission guideline which can be accessed at
  2. Participants will receive the notification email of their abstract’s acceptance for the ISBIS 2024 from the ISBIS 2024 editorial team, within 10 days, based on the evaluation from the ISBIS 2024 reviewer team, through a
    double-blind peer review
  3. The Letter of Aceptance (LoA) will be sent by the ISBIS 2024 editorial team committee after the abstract revision.
  4. Participants with LoA are expected to submit their full paper into ISBIS 2024 registration system where the publication is optional.
  5. Participants can choose the publication option as in
  6. Participants should submit their full paper into for the publication in the Springer CCIS proceeding.
  7. All full paper manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review by the ISBIS 2024 reviewers committee based on their content, quality and appropriateness to overall conference priorities.
  8. Participants who choose the publication to journal will be guided by the ISBIS 2024 editorial team submit their papers into the OJS journal system
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ISBIS 2024