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News Article

Teacher Marketplace, How does It Work?

Jakarta. In a bid to enhance efficiency in the recruitment of educators, Education Minister Nadiem Makarim has put forward a groundbreaking proposal for the establishment of a marketplace exclusively for teachers.

This innovative concept, set to be implemented next year, aims to address the challenges faced by contract and honorary teachers in the hiring process. However, the government bill pertaining to this initiative will not be presented for discussion in the House of Representatives until October.

The envisioned teacher marketplace will serve as a comprehensive database, encompassing all teachers, including civil servants (ASN) and contractual government employees (PPPK), who have successfully passed the teaching passing grade and graduated from the Teaching Profession Education. The platform will be made accessible to schools across Indonesia, empowering them to hire teachers based on their specific human resource requirements.

Referred to by a senior official at the Education Ministry as a “teachers’ talent room,” this revolutionary concept aims to tackle the longstanding issues plaguing the recruitment of educators. It arises from recent conflicts between the ministry and regional governments concerning teachers’ salaries over the past two years.

“Selected teachers will be included in the database so headmasters, for example, can immediately seek replacements for teachers who are retiring,” said Nunuk Suryani, the director-general of teaching affairs at the Education Ministry.

“The vacant posts can be taken by qualified teachers, that’s the urgency.”

Crucially, this visionary concept is underpinned by a fully-developed system, forged through collaboration with other ministries. By anticipating potential challenges, such as conflicting regulations between the central and regional governments, the proposed marketplace seeks to provide a robust framework for the recruitment of teachers across the nation.

“The idea of the teacher marketplace is to create a talent room, where schools can readily find qualified teachers as per their requirements,” she said.

News Article

Enggartiasto Highlights 2 Issues that Discourage Potential Teachers

Jakarta. Teaching is not considered a well-paying profession in Indonesia, particularly in public schools, which dissuades university graduates from considering it as a viable option, according to Enggartiasto Lukita, chairman of the Alumni Association of the Indonesian University of Education (IKA UPI). 

If this condition persists, bright university graduates would be reluctant to choose teaching as a career path, opting for more financially rewarding jobs instead.

“If no one cares about [raising] school teacher salary, no intelligent person is willing to become a teacher. He or she will opt for another job,” Enggartiasto said during a conference hosted by BPK Penabur International School in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, on Tuesday.

In addition, the government imposes a mandatory teaching profession course on all applicants, including those with education-related degrees.

The former trade minister questioned the blanket course that makes no exception for applicants who have spent four years at universities specializing in education. 

“It only discourages potential teachers because they must take a course to learn things they have already learned at universities. We need clarification from the government on this matter,” Enggartiasto said.

Under the 2019 government regulation on civil servant salary, the basic pay for a public elementary school teacher can be as low as Rp 1.56 million ($104) per month before allowances. 

This figure is not even half of the minimum wage for factory workers in industrial cities. 

However, regional governments can offer additional allowances based on their budget, with a city like Jakarta potentially providing up to Rp 6.5 million ($437) per month for an elementary school teacher, excluding bonuses. 

Despite this, the overall low salary remains a major concern in attracting talented individuals to the teaching profession.

News Article

Universities Should Embrace Digital Era to Stay Relevant

Universities across Indonesia must embrace digital technology and ensure that their students are well-prepared for the rapidly changing world and real-world challenges upon graduation, former Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita said on Saturday.

The rapid adoption of digital technology has fundamentally transformed the nature of work and how businesses operate. To remain relevant, higher education institutions need to harness digital disruptions and adapt to the present situation, Enggartiasto said during a ceremony celebrating the 16th anniversary of Ma Chung University in Malang, East Java.

“The current changes are significant, with the digital economy rapidly expanding. My advice to universities is to adapt to present needs, especially in tapping into trade opportunities,” said Enggartiasto, who also serves as the Executive Chairman of Jakarta-based B-Universe Media Holdings.

Digital transformation has created a borderless world with fewer barriers to imported goods, as people can now purchase products from foreign countries using e-commerce platforms from anywhere at any time.

“This situation calls for improvisation. We need to question why locally-made products are more expensive than imported goods from China. We also must enhance our export performance and manage our passion for imported goods,” Enggartiasto said.

The increasing use of artificial intelligence may reduce the labor force in some areas but will also create new opportunities in other sectors, making work more efficient and productive.

Enggartiasto emphasized that creativity is the key for university students to address digital disruptions and leverage the current changes effectively.

Universities must prepare their students not only to become professional workers but also to be entrepreneurs capable of creating jobs for others, Enggartiasto added.

“I want to emphasize to universities and their students that change is inevitable. While it brings challenges and disruptions, it also presents opportunities,” he concluded.

Full Time Human Capital Management Jobs

Fulltime – Human Capital Management Staff

General Requirement

  1. Sarjana di bidang sumber daya manusia, manajemen bisnis, psikologi industri, atau bidang terkait.
  2. Pengalaman kerja minimal 3-5 tahun di bidang sumber daya manusia atau manajemen tenaga kerja.
  3. Pemahaman mendalam tentang kebijakan dan praktik sumber daya manusia.
  4. Pengetahuan yang kuat tentang hukum ketenagakerjaan dan peraturan terkait.
  5. Kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal yang baik dan kemampuan presentasi yang luar biasa.
  6. Keahlian dalam mengelola dan mengembangkan program pengembangan karyawan.
  7. Kemampuan untuk berpikir strategis dan menerapkan solusi inovatif dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia.
  8. Kemampuan analitis yang kuat untuk menginterpretasikan data dan melaporkan tren serta isu-isu sumber daya manusia.
  9. Keterampilan kepemimpinan yang baik dan kemampuan untuk mengelola tim.
  10. Kepatuhan tinggi terhadap kerahasiaan dan etika dalam pekerjaan.

Specific Requirement

  1. Pengalaman dalam merancang dan melaksanakan strategi penggajian, keuntungan karyawan, dan program insentif.
  2. Kemampuan untuk mengelola siklus hidup karyawan mulai dari perekrutan, orientasi, pengembangan, hingga pemisahan.
  3. Pengetahuan tentang sistem manajemen tenaga kerja (Workforce Management System) dan pengalaman dalam mengimplementasikannya.
  4. Pemahaman yang kuat tentang evaluasi kinerja dan pengembangan karyawan.
  5. Keahlian dalam manajemen perubahan dan restrukturisasi organisasi.
  6. Pengalaman dalam mengelola konflik dan menangani masalah disiplin karyawan.
  7. Pemahaman tentang kebutuhan pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan retensi.
  8. Kemampuan untuk berkolaborasi dengan departemen lain dalam perusahaan, seperti keuangan dan operasi, untuk mengelola aspek-aspek sumber daya manusia yang terkait.
  9. Pengetahuan tentang praktik keberagaman dan inklusi di tempat kerja.
  10. Pengalaman dalam mengelola hubungan dengan mitra eksternal seperti perusahaan perekrutan dan konsultan sumber daya manusia.

Batas Lamaran

Tanggal 20 Agustus 2023


Office & Laboratory
Grha Insaka, Jl. Kaliurang KM 10, D.I Yogyakarta. 55581
Phone: (0274) 2836 855
WA Business: 0811 256 855
Email: [email protected]

Company Branding Full Time Jobs

Full Time – Creative Brand Manager

General Requirement

  1. Gelar sarjana di bidang pemasaran, komunikasi, desain, atau bidang terkait.
  2. Pengalaman kerja minimal 5 tahun di bidang pemasaran atau manajemen merek.
  3. Memiliki pemahaman yang kuat tentang strategi merek dan praktik terbaik dalam membangun merek yang kuat.
  4. Kemampuan komunikasi verbal dan tertulis yang luar biasa.
  5. Kemampuan untuk mengelola proyek dengan sukses dan menghadapi tenggat waktu yang ketat.
  6. Keahlian dalam mengelola tim dan berkolaborasi dengan berbagai departemen dalam organisasi.
  7. Memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang tren pemasaran dan kecenderungan industri terkini.
  8. Kreatif, inovatif, dan mampu berpikir strategis.
  9. Kemampuan analitis yang kuat dan dapat menginterpretasikan data untuk menginformasikan keputusan merek.
  10. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang media sosial dan tren pemasaran digital.

Specific Requirement

  1. Pengalaman dalam mengembangkan strategi merek yang berhasil dan mengimplementasikannya secara efektif.
  2. Mampu melakukan riset pasar dan analisis kompetitor untuk mengidentifikasi peluang dan tantangan merek.
  3. Keahlian dalam merancang dan meluncurkan kampanye pemasaran yang mencakup berbagai saluran media.
  4. Pengalaman dalam mengelola anggaran pemasaran dan mengoptimalkan pengeluaran untuk mencapai hasil yang maksimal.
  5. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang desain grafis dan kemampuan dalam menggunakan perangkat lunak desain seperti Adobe Creative Suite.
  6. Pengalaman dalam merancang materi pemasaran seperti brosur, presentasi, dan materi promosi lainnya.
  7. Pemahaman tentang pengukuran keberhasilan merek dan penggunaan metrik untuk melacak kinerja kampanye pemasaran.
  8. Familiaritas dengan praktik SEO (Search Engine Optimization) dan penggunaan kata kunci untuk meningkatkan visibilitas merek online.
  9. Kemampuan dalam mengembangkan dan menjalin hubungan dengan mitra eksternal, seperti agensi periklanan dan mitra promosi.
  10. Keinginan untuk terus belajar dan mengikuti tren terbaru dalam pemasaran merek.

Batas Lamaran

Tanggal 20 Agustus 2023


Office & Laboratory
Grha Insaka, Jl. Kaliurang KM 10, D.I Yogyakarta. 55581
Phone: (0274) 2836 855
WA Business: 0811 256 855
Email: [email protected]

Internship Jobs

Internship – Marketing & Development Services

General Requirements

  • Keterampilan interpersonal dan komunikasi yang baik
  • Mampu bekerja mandiri dan dapat bekerja secara tim
  • Memiliki orientasi terhadap detil, terorganisi, berdedikasi, bertangung jawab dan jujur
  • Mampu bekerja secara efektif dan mengelola pekerjaan dengan baik
  • Berdomisili di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta lebih diutamakan

Specific Requirements

  • Minimal mahasiswa semester akhir yang telah habis teori dari semua jurusan
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dengan baik (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel)
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang unggul dan negoisasi
  • Memiliki SIM A, diutamakan

Batas Lamaran

Tanggal 20 Agustus 2023


Office & Laboratory
Grha Insaka, Jl. Kaliurang KM 10, D.I Yogyakarta. 55581
Phone: (0274) 2836 855
WA Business: 0811 256 855
Email: [email protected]

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